Zapraszamy do obejrzenia krótkiego podsumowania z zawodów CSIO Sopot Horse Show 2022.

ADAMUS SA z dumą wspiera polskich zawodników

Nasz Mistrz Polski podczas CSI5-W Jumping Amsterdam zajął 5. miejsce w Grand Prix Amsterdamu.

XXVII Sunshine Tour with Natalia Czernik!

XXVII Sunshine Tour with Natalia Czernik!

Sponsored by Adamus S.A., Natalia Czernik from the Verso La Natura sports club is currently competing in the 27th edition of the Sunshine Tour in Spain.

These are prestigious and well-known competitions in the equestrian world that take place from February 9 to March 23, 2021, on February 18. in the second week of starts, Natalia Czernik paired with Fiston De Bo Z took 2nd place (CSIYH * 5y / o).

Congratulations on getting in better shape and we wish talented Natalia more success during both foreign and domestic starts!

